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About Rocket Bowling Club

A brief history of Rocket Bowling Club


Rocket Bowling Club (RBC) was established in 2012. The founding members comprised a group of about 15 bowlers who primarily bowled at SCAA and who felt that the creation of a platform would enhance the interest of members to participate in tournaments and also facilitate members’ enrolment in the Hong Kong International Open organized by Hong Kong Ten-Pin Bowling Congress (HKTBC). An application was submitted to the HKTBC and Rocket Bowling Club was formally set up in September 2012. 


There were no regular monthly tournaments during the early years, but only tournaments that were held from time to time. In the three years to 2015, the number of members increased gradually to 32, doubling the original membership. Following the 50th Anniversary Annual Tournament of SCAA in 2016, there was a more noticeable increase in bowlers’ awareness of and interest in joining RBC. It was also in 2016 that we started the monthly tournaments. To date the number of members has since steadily risen to 100 people – 59 males and 41 females.





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