Constitution of Rocket Bowling Club
General principles on the composition, and rights and obligations of the Members of Rocket Bowling Club.
Rocket Bowling Club (RBC) is a registered bowling club under Hong Kong Ten-pin Bowling Congress.
The primary objective of RBC is congregation of people who are interested in the sport of ten-pin bowling.
The President is the head of RBC. The Secretary assists the President in the execution of club duties both internally and externally. The President may consult Members on various matters as he/she sees fit, and may appoint other office bearers as and when necessary.
There is no regular Members’ meeting. A Members’ meeting may be convened if there is request from at least 30% of Members. Decisions at a Members’ meeting are to be determined on a majority-rule basis according to votes cast in person at the meeting.
A person who is interested in joining RBC may be invited to participate in the monthly tournaments as a guest. Once a guest has participated in at least two monthly tournaments, he/she may request the President to consider and accept his/her application to become a Member. Admission as a Member to RBC must be supported by two existing Members, and subject to the approval of the President, in consultation with other Members, as he/she sees fit, as to the appropriateness of admission.
There is no admission, annual or other membership fee.
There is no prohibition on Members from joining as a member of other bowling clubs, teams or groups, or from participation in the activities of those other organizations.
Members are required to participate in RBC monthly tournaments at least once within every calendar year. Unless there is justification to the satisfaction of the President, a Member who fails to participate in at least one tournament will cease to be a Member in the new calendar year. Any request to re-join the Club must be supported by two existing Members and shall be subject to the approval of the President.
Members must wear RBC jerseys when they represent RBC in tournaments or participate in RBC tournaments. On other occasions, Members are encouraged to wear RBC jerseys but this is not compulsory.
A member may at any time seek to withdraw his/her membership. Separately, members must not at any time make any statement or act in any way that would bring the club into disrepute, or the President may revoke their membership.
The President has the decision making power in all RBC matters (except where the matter is a subject of a Members’ meeting, in which case Members’ vote will decide).
成立保齡球會的主要目的是:成立一個活動平台讓愛好保齡球運動之人士 一起參與及切磋。
本會並無常規性會員大會,除非有超過30%會員要求召開,大會方會進行, 在大會中討論的事項,均會以與會者一人一票方式投票並以少數服從多數的形式決定。
會員最低要求:每年要參與最少一次會賽,除非有合理理由被會長接納,否 則其會員資格將於下一個球賽年度被取消,如要求重新加入本會,必須得到 會長批准及最少兩名現任會員同意。